As the apparently ‘most depressing day’ of the year dubbed ‘Blue Monday’ stretches behind us and we stride into February, we perhaps naturally are having conversations or thoughts about what we have actually started, or not started, or just written on a list or thought about but not done a thing about! I haven’t made New Year resolutions for a long time though I do see January as a powerful time to reconsider, review, reflect and reset as necessary.
I understand that the term ‘Blue Monday’ was coined by the marketing department of a travel company some twenty odd years ago to promote the booking of holidays in January. Therefore, as a hunch, I’d wager that there was probably no science or data backed evidence to the claim. Those who know me understand that I’m fundamentally more creative than scientific, however where behaviour is concerned it is all about the data and the deliberate actions that will make the difference.
Clearly the world is in a turbulent state seemingly whichever way we choose to look; horrific natural disasters, war, global politics, economics, the environment, human health and the very humanness of what makes us ‘us’ is weighed down under a heavy blanket of uncertainty, volatility, and instability. We are living through a period of profound change - a digital revolution - which many are finding discombobulating at best. However, there is always something positive and good to be found if we choose to see it.
It is well known that as a generation we’re all full of micro-plastics and as such one day we ‘could’ choose to stop buying food that has been flown from across the world or day one we ‘could ‘ choose to consume locally produced food or at the very least from the continent we live in.
As with behaviour, every single one of us can achieve innumerable things ‘one day’ but the momentum can only start on ‘day one,’ with a purposeful action! Whether it is an entrepreneurial venture, pivoting your business, honing your leadership skills, helping to support the mental and emotional health of your community, business or friends, your fitness, how and what you consume, or what you can actually make an impact on. The list can go on indefinitely, and even more importantly, so can the possibilities and potential.
Day One.
- What small (and I mean small) action can you take? A call. An email. Some research.
- Who will you be accountable to? This could be to yourself or others.
- What will you do differently? Ditch how many meetings you or your team are in, that they don’t need to be? Get more sleep (more on that next time)? Drink more water?
- Do you need an incentive? Could be new trainers after running for 8 weeks if running and fitness is your new thing. A business or wellbeing incentive for you or your people?
- The big why. Why are you doing it? Your reason and yours alone will help you find your own motivation on the toughest of days more than anything else..
The only permission you will ever need is your own.
If you want some help turning your ‘One Day’ into ‘Day One’ you know where we are.
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